Plainview Growers
About Plainview Growers
Plainview Growers is a family-owned business in Allamuchy, NJ.
Plainview Growers has been a family-owned business for over 30 years. Located in Allamuchy, New Jersey, Plainview Growers has multiple locations comprised of over 18 acres of growing space.
Plainview Growers and TTA have a long history together. Joe Van Vught, operations manager at Plainview Growers, says this partnership goes back over 25 years. During this time, TTA has provided machines essential for successfully transplanting even fragile plants. These machines include PackPlanters, several CombiFix gapping lines, and, more recently, the CuttingEdge.

“The original gripper design developed by TTA, combined with the Vision software, CombiFix, and the ability to fine-tune the transplanter machines, has enabled us to handle young plants faster and earlier”